
Safety and Well-being

Staying Safe

We all want the 18th European Guide and Scout Conference to be a safe space for all participants, and it is the responsibility of each and all of us to act according to our values, respecting the Code of Conduct.

Duty of participants

All participants attending the 18th European Guide and Scout Conference are expected to:


Adhere to the updated Code of Conduct (Coming Soon) at all times during the event and in conference-related activities before and after.


Complete the mandatory Safe from Harm online courses for the Conference (coming soon). A certificate of completion will be required for participants to access the Conference venue. 

Any breach of the Code of Conduct will trigger a range of actions that could result in disciplinary action, including being removed from the Conference.

Listening Ear Space

 A quiet, safe space in the venue is dedicated to the Listening Ears as well as an open space for people wanting to rest, or have a quiet moment during the conference.  It will be available for joining during conference hours by anyone that needs some conversation or to report any situation. 


Reporting a Safe from Harm situation

If you experience or witness a situation that makes you or the person(s) involved feel uncomfortable, scared, or threatened, it is your duty to report it. You can report a potential Safe from Harm situation through the following channels:

Share your concern with the Safe from Harm “Listening Ears” at the Conference.

Alert a member of the Conference team.

Call the SOS phone line (number coming soon)

Send an email to le-europe@scout.org or out of hours sfh.europe@scout.org.